LX200GPS.CRCM.NET (Astronomy)
The Construct & modification of a Meade LX200GPS Telescope.
Meade LX200GPS Telescopes (OTA optical & mechanical Simulator)
These files were last updated 1300 GMT, 10 November 2007
Q: Why does the Radius of Image Plane give strange values?
The image plane curvature calculation requires an input value for "Off Axis Star position f1 =". This value should be greater than 1 Arc Min. to produce an accurate value.
There is a Bug in the calculation when Collimation, Corrector Offset or Mirror Flop, values are input.
This is being investigated and a fix will be published as soon as it is resolved.
If you would like notification when the fix is available please e-mail me with the words "simulator update" in the message subject .
Please address queries to conrad@crcm.net with an e-mail subject of "simulator"
All Data, a copyright of Conrad Maloney (CRCM Networks, United Kingdom)
Computing Resource Configuration & Management